Martes, Setyembre 3, 2013

Spectacular Siquijor

For most Filipinos, mere mention of Siquijor conjures images of mysticism and the supernatural. It has a reputation for being a place of magic and sorcery. But what Siquijor should be better known for is the diversity of its natural wonders and spectacular attractions: white sand beaches, springs, waterfalls, caves, limestone cliffs and mountains, mangrove forests, and rich coral reefs teeming with abundant marine life.
The island province of Siquijor is located in Centra Visayas, southeast of the islands of Cebu and Negros. It has six municipalities, with Larena as the main port town and Siquijor as the capital town. It was called as “Isla del Fuego” or Island of Fire by the Spaniards of the soft glow generated by abundant fireflies in the island when they first saw the island from afar.

The best way to travel around Siquijor is to rent a motorcycle for a day or two and follow the 72-kilometer coastal road that circumnavigates the island. Traveling this way will give you the opportunity to stop and enjoy secluded beaches and mangrove forests. You can also visit villages along the way to experience the rustic life in Siquijor. The people of Siquijor are definitely the island’s best attraction. They are so accommodating that they would even go so far as to provide lodging and food to travelers.

Commercial tourism is still not that big in Siquijor, but there are various beach resorts and inns that cater to different types of travelers such as backpackers and scuba divers. Although most resorts will offer you good access to the beaches, it is still possible to find secluded beaches that are accessible to intrepid travelers.

Popular places to visit

Here’s a short list of places to visit when you have a day or two in Siquijor:

The town of Lazi is home to Asia’s largest convent and one of the oldest churches in the Philippines. The formidable convent now houses a school for children on the ground floor and an exhibit of religious memorabilia on the second floor (cameras are not allowed). The St. Isidore Labradore Parish Church across the street is a beautiful church made of coral stones (which would never have been built today since coral harvesting is already banned). One can find intricate designs and patterns on the church’s facade and one could just imagine how much ancient life have actually been preserved inside the stones that are part of this church.

Coco Grove Beach Resort 
One of the older beach resorts on the island with a very long stretch of white sand beach and beautiful corals teeming with marine life. Tourists come here to spend a few days and sometimes for just a day trip to enjoy the beach and swimming pool. Apo Island of Negros Oriental can also be viewed from the shore where one can enjoy fresh fruit juices including coconut juice.

Cambugahay waterfalls
Composed of three waterfalls adjacent to each other, it is a very popular place where tourists to go to for picnics. The water is crystal clear most of the year except during the rainy season when the water turns brown due to the silt that gets washed with the water from the mountains.

Words: D. Ocampo

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